Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Investment Properties in Arnold, MD 21012

Landlord property hack #11

Winter Home Maintenance Tip: Melting Ice Dams
Image of ice damThe ice dam can be a real winter downer when it comes to home damage. In one version, as gutters clog with ice, water runoff from the roof backs up, penetrates the shingles of the home, and leaks into the house. While there's little you can do during the snowy season to permanently fix the problem, there are some short-term fixes to reduce the damage once an ice dam has formed.
One homemade remedy is to take panty hose and fill it with calcium chloride. Calcium chloride is a common ice melter available at most home improvement stores. Don't use rock salt instead of calcium chloride. The salt's corrosive qualities can lead to unsightly staining. An article on the various types of de-icing agents can be found here.
Fill the leg of the panty hose and place it over the ice dam and gutter. Be careful working it into position, as conditions are likely to be slick... a rake handle or other pole will be useful. As the calcium chloride melts the dam, the gutter will open up, allowing the water to flow freely again.
A permanent fix for ice dams typically requires bolstering your home's insulation, adding sealant, and taking steps to improve ventilation in the attic. (A video look at ice dams and curing the problem can be found in this clip from "This Old House.")

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